Christopher Fuhrer

Mr. Dr.-Ing.

Leiter der Abteilung Numerische Methoden an Thermischen Strömungsmaschinen
ITSM - Institut für Thermische Strömungsmaschinen und Maschinenlaboratorium


+49 711 685 69431

Business card (VCF)

Pfaffenwaldring 6
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2/27

Office Hours

nach Vereinbarung


  • Numerische Strömungs- und Struktursimulation
  • Aeromechanik - Fluid-/Strukturinteraktion
  • Forced-Response- und Flattervorhersage in Turbomaschinen
  • Berechnung von Nassdampfströmungen
  • Auslegung von Turbomaschinen
  • Anwendung von Optimierungsmethoden auf Turbomaschinen
  • Tosun, A.; Fuhrer, C.; Hughes, S.; Vogt, D.M.: Numerical Modelling Approach for Wet Humid Air Flows in Hydrogen E-turbos, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2024, GT 2024-122095, London, UK, 2024
  • Fuhrer, C.; Kovachev, N.; Mahalingam, G.; Mann, S.; Vogt, D.M.: Multi-Objective Numerical Optimization of Radial Turbines, Journal of Turbomachinery, TURBO-23-1227,, 2023
  • Fuhrer, C.; Kovachev, N.; Mahalingam, G.; Mann, S.; Vogt, D.M.: Multi-Objective Numerical Optimization of Radial Turbines, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2023, GT 2023-103918, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2023
  • Fomina, A.; Fuhrer, C.; Vogt, D.M.; Willeke, T.: Numerical Study on the Influence of Geometrical Parameters on the Performance of a Turbine Exhaust Hood, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2023, GT 2023-102206, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2023
  • Zobel, A.; Nakos, A.; Fuhrer, C.; Vogt, D.M.: On The Influence Of Bearing Modeling Details on the Dynamical System Effects of a Mid-Size Turbocharger Rotor, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2023, GT 2023-102098, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2023
  • Fuhrer, C.: Numerical Investigation on Spontaneous Condensation in Low-Pressure Steam Turbine Aeroelasticity, Dissertation, Institut für Thermische Strömungsmaschinen und Maschinenlaboratorium, Universität Stuttgart, 2021
  • Fuhrer, C.; Vogt, D. M.: The Influence of Spontaneous Condensation on the Predicted Aerodynamic Damping of a Steam Turbine Tip Section, IGTC-2019-161, in: Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress 2019 Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 17–22 Nov. 2019
  • Hassan, A.F.; Fuhrer, C.; Schatz, M.; Vogt, D.M.: Multi-Channel Casing Design for Radial Turbine Operation Control, Proceedings of 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics, ETC2019-021, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2019
  • Fuhrer, C.; Grübel, M.; Vogt, D. M.: A Generic Low-Pressure Steam Turbine Test Case for Aeromechanics and Condensation, Proc. IMecheE Part A: J. Power and Energy,, 2019
  • Fuhrer, C.; Vogt, D.M.: On the Impact of Simulation Approaches on the Predicted Aerodynamic Damping of a Low Pressure Steam Turbine Rotor, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2017, GT 2017-63401, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 2017
  • Fuhrer, C., Grübel, M., Vogt, D. M., Petrie-Repar, P., The Influence of Non-Equilibrium Wet Steam Effects on the Aeroelastic Properties of a Turbine Blade Row, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016, GT 2016-57899, Seoul, South Korea, 2016
  • Fuhrer, C., Vogt, D.M., Prediction of Flutter Stability of an Aeroelastically Unstable Linear Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade by Applying the Influence Coefficients Approach on Numerical Data, Paper presented at the 14th ISUAAAT Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, September 07-11, 2015
  • Petrie-Repar, P., Fuhrer, C., Grübel, M., Vogt, D.M., Two-Dimensional Steam Turbine Flutter Test Case, Paper presented at the 14th ISUAAAT Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, September 07-11, 2015
  • Ilievski, M., Heidinger, F., Fuhrer, C., Schatz, M., Vogt, D. M., Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Partial Admission of a Radial Turbocharger Turbine for Improved Off-Design Operation, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015, GT 2015-43318, Montreal, Canada, 2015
  • Numerische Methoden in Fluid- und Strukturdynamik
  • Turbomachinery Blade Vibrations
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