
Sie erhalten einen Überblick über die Veröffentlichungen und Dissertationen am ITSM


Beierl, M.R., Vogt, D.M., Fischer, M., Müller, T.R., So, K.K., 2023, Assessment of Low Engine Order Excitation of a Contaminated Turbocharger Radial Turbine Stage Using a Nozzle Ring Only Computational Model, ASME J. Turbomach., 145 (1), 011011

  • Arifin, M., Fudholi, A., Wahyudie, A., Vogt, D.M., 2022, Surrogate-based Optimization of Multiple-Splitters Radial Compressor for Solar Hybrid Microturbine, Energy Conversion and Management: X 16, 100332
  • Beierl, M.R., Vogt, D.M., Fischer, M., Müller, T.R., So, K.K., 2022, Numerical Investigation of the Excitation Characteristics of Contaminated Nozzle Rings, ISUAAAT Paper No. ISUAAAT16-019
  • Buchwald, P., Müller, F.F., Günther, M., Vogt, D.M., 2022, A New Axial Compressor Test Facility for the Investigation of Aerodynamic Damping featuring an Electromagnetic Excitation System, ISUAAAT Paper No. ISUAAAT16-021
  • Zobel, A., Vogt, D.M., Schafferus, M., Sasakaros, M., Wirsum., M., 2022, Intentional Excitation of a Radial Turbine Rotor by means of Geometrical Mistuning of the Vane Ring, ISUAAAT Paper No. ISUAAAT16-015
  • Bauer, M., Hummel, S., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Kegalj, M., 2022, Investigation of the Flow Field and the Pressure Recovery in a Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffuser at Design, Part-Load and Over-Load Condition, ASME J. Turbomach., 144(8): 081010,
  • Podeur, M., Vogt, D.M., 2022, Experimental Evaluation of Heat Transfer Effect on Turbocompressor Performance operating with Helium-Neon Gas Mixtures, EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation 9 (1), 6
  • Doll, P., Winkelmann, S., Müller, F.F., Vogt, D.M., Aschenbruck, J., 2022, Aerodynamic Damping of Last Stage Rotating Blades of Low Pressure Steam Turbine Determined From Vibration Test Data, ASME Paper GT2022-81979
  • Beierl, M.R., Vogt, D.M., Fischer, M., Müller, T.R., So, K.K., 2022, Assessment of Low Engine Order Excitation of a Contaminated Turbocharger Radial Turbine Stage Using a Nozzle Ring Only Computational Model, ASME Paper GT2022-82452 
  • Ercan, I., Vogt, D.M., 2022, Analysis of Turbulent Effects in a Low-Pressure Model Steam Turbine Operating Under Various Operating Conditions Using Detached Eddy Simulation, ASME Paper GT2022-80523
  • Podeur, M., Vogt, D.M., Experimental and Numerical Similitude Study Using a Novel Turbocompressor Test Facility Operating With Helium–Neon Gas Mixtures, ASME J. Turbomach., 144 (8): 081015, 2022
  • Heners, J.-P., Stotz, S., Krosse, A, Korte, D., Beck, M., Vogt, D.M., Prediction of transient Pressure Fluctuations within a Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade using a Lanczos-filtered Harmonic Balance Method, Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6(3), 25;, 2021
  • Podeur, M., Vogt, D.M., Experimental and Numerical Similitude Study using a Novel Turbocompressor Test Facility operating with Helium-Neon Gas Mixtures, ASME Paper GT2021-60204, 2021
  • Ercan, I. Vogt, D.M., Detached Eddy Simulation of Rotating Instabilities in a Low-Pressure Model Steam Turbine operating under Low Volume Flow Conditions, ASME Paper GT2021-58704, 2021
  • Hummel, S., Bauer, M., Vogt, D.M., Study of the Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffuser Flow and Performance Characteristics at Off-Design Conditions, Paper No ETC2021-590 presented at the 14th European Conference on Turbomachinery, April 12-16, 2021, Gdansk, Poland, 2021
  • Heners, J.-P., Stotz, S., Krosse, A, Korte, D., Beck, M., Vogt, D.M., Prediction of transient Pressure Fluctuations within a Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade using a Lanczos-filtered Harmonic Balance Method, Paper No ETC2021-590 presented at the 14th European Conference on Turbomachinery, April 12-16, 2021, Gdansk, Poland, 2021
  • Hanimann, L., Mangani, L., Darwish, M., Casartelli, E., Vogt, D.M., A Consistent and Implicit Rhie–Chow Interpolation for Drag Forces in Coupled Multiphase Solvers, Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2021, 6(2), 7;, 2021
  • Hassan, A.S., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Performance and Loss Analysis for Radial Turbine featuring a Multi-Channel Design, ASME J. Turbomach., 143(2): 021003, 2021
  • Buchwald, P., Waldherr, C.U., Schell, J., Steger, H., Vogt, D.M., Experimental and Numerical Modal Analysis of an Axial Compressor Blisk, Vibration Engineering for a Sustainable Future, 379-387, 2021
  • Müller, T.R., Vogt, D.M., Fischer, M., Phillipsen, B.A., On the Far-Field Boundary Condition Treatment in the Framework of Aeromechanical Computations using ANSYS CFX, IMECHE J. Power and Energy,, 2021
  • Podeur, M., Vogt, D.M., Mauri, S., Jenny, P., Impeller Design and Multi-stage Architecture Optimisation for Turbocompressors operating with a Helium-Neon Gas Mixture, International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems XX 2020, Volume 11, Number 4, 2020
  • Kovachev, N., Vogt, D.M., Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Operating Point on the Aerodynamic Excitation in a Radial Turbine Stage, ASME Paper GT2020-16045, 2020
  • Bauer, M., Hummel, S., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Kegalj, M., Investigation of the Flow Field and the Pressure Recovery in a Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffuser at Design, Part-Load and Over-Load Condition, ASME Paper GT2020-14310, 2020
  • Dietmann, F., Casey, M., Vogt, D.M., Reynolds Number and Roughness Effects on Turbocompressor Performance: Numerical Calculations and Measurement Data Evaluation, ASME Paper GT2020-14653, 2020
  • Heners., J.-P., Müller-Schindewolffs, C., Blum, F., Vogt, D.M., Prediction of the Unsteady Transition Behavior in Low Pressure Turbine Flows Using Time and Frequency Domain Methods, ASME Paper GT2020-14257, 2020
  • Arifin, M., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Design and Optimization of Turbomachinery Components for Parabolic Dish Solar Hybrid Micro Gas Turbine, ASME Paper GT2020-15270, 2020
  • Hassan, A.S., Müller, T., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Aerodynamic Damping Analysis of a Radial Turbine Featuring a Multi-Channel Casing Design, ASME Paper GT2020-14410, 2020
  • Hassan, A.S., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Performance and Loss Analysis for Radial Turbine featuring a Multi-Channel Design, ASME Paper GT2020-16298, 2020
  • Hanimann, L., Mangani, L., Casartelli, E., Vogt, D.M., Darwish, M., Real Gas Models in Coupled Algorithms Numerical Recipes and Thermophysical Relations, Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2020, 5(3), 20;, 2020
  • Brüggemann, C., Badum., L., Bauer, M., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Fast Traveling Pneumatic Probes for Turbomachinery Applications, International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems April 2020, Volume 11, Number 2, 2020
  • Waldherr, C.U., Buchwald, P., Vogt, D.M., A New Mistuning Identification Method Based on the Subset of Nominal Modes Method, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 142(2): 021016, 2020
  • Buchwald, P., Farahmand, A., Vogt, D.M., 2019, On the Influence of Blade Aspect Ratio on Aerodynamic Damping, ASME J. Turbomach., 141(10): 101007
  • Heners, J.-P., Vogt, D.M., Frey, C., Ashcroft, G., 2019, Investigation of the Impact of Unsteady Turbulence Effects on the Aeroelastic Evaluation Process of a Low-Pressure Turbine Rotor Blade, ASME J. Turbomach., 141(10): 100801
  • Blackburne, J., Netzhammer, S., Vogt, D.M., 2019, Reducing Resonant Low Engine Order (LEO) Blade Vibrations by Means of Tip Injection – a Study of the Underlying Mechanisms, paper presented at the 24th ISABE conference, September 23-27, 2019, Canberra, Australia
  • Sun, T., Petrie-Repar, P., Vogt, D.M., Hou, A., 2019, Detached-Eddy Simulation Applied to Aeroelastic Stability Analysis in a Last-Stage Steam Turbine Blade, ASME J. Turbomach., 141(9): 091002
  • Waldherr, C.U., Vogt, D.M., 2019, An Extension of the Classical Subset of Nominal Modes Method for the Model Order Reduction of Gyroscopic Systems, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 141(5): 052501
  • Mihailowitsch, M., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., 2019, Numerical Investigations of an Axial Exhaust Diffuser Coupling the Last Stage of a Generic Gas Turbine, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 141(3): 031025
  • Hassan, A.S., Blackburne, J., Kovachev, N., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., 2019, Aerodynamic Excitation Analysis of a Radial Turbine Featuring a Multi-Channel Casing Design, ASME Paper GT2019-90105
  • Kovachev, N., Müller, T.R., Waldherr, C.U., Vogt, D.M., 2019, Prediction of Low-Engine Order Excitation due to a Non-Symmetrical Nozzle Ring in a Radial Turbine by means of the Nonlinear Harmonic Approach,  ASME Paper GT2019-90366
  • Netzhammer, S., Vogt, D.M., Krätschmer, S., Leweux, J., Blackburne, J., 2019, Reducing Blade Forced Response in a Radial Turbine by means of Jet Injection, ASME Paper GT2019-90541
  • Pinelli, L., Vanti, F., Arnone, A., Bessling, B., Vogt, D.M., 2019, Influence of tip shroud modeling on the flutter stability of a low pressure turbine rotor, ASME Paper GT2019-91204
  • Waldherr, C.U., Buchwald, P., Vogt, D.M., A New Mistuning Identification Method Based on the Subset of Nominal Modes Method, ASME Paper GT2019-91702
  • Brüggemann, C., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., 2019, Experimental and Numerical Assessment of the Impact of Part-Span Connectors on Turbine Efficiency and Flow Field, ASME Paper GT2019-91815
  • Munyoki, D., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., 2019, Numerical Investigation of the Influence of flow Deflection at the upper Hood on Performance of Low Pressure Steam Turbine Exhaust Hoods, ASME Paper GT2019-90391
  • Bareiss, S., Vogt, D.M., 2019, Numerical investigation on the design of circumferential groove casing treatments in a radial compressor, Paper No ETC2019-038 presented at the 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery, April 8-12, 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Hanimann, L., Mangani, L., Casartelli, E., Vogt, D.M., 2019, Robust integration of real gas models into a pressure-based coupled solver, Paper No ETC2019-218 presented at the 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery, April 8-12, 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Hassan, A.S., Fuhrer, C., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., 2019, Multi-channel casing design for radial turbine operation control, Paper No ETC2019-021 presented at the 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery, April 8-12, 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Kovachev, N., Waldherr, C.U., Mayer, J.F., Vogt, D.M., 2019, Prediction of Aerodynamically Induced Blade Vibrations in a Radial Turbine Rotor using a Nonlinear Harmonic Approach, ASME J Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 141(2): 021007
  • Naik, P., Lehmayer, B., Homeier, S., Klaus, M., Vogt, D.M., 2019, Influence of Turbocharger Turbine Blade Geometry on Vibratory Blade Stresses, ASME J Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 141(2): 021015


  • Heners, J.-P., Vogt, D.M., Frey, C., Ashcroft, G., 2018, Investigation of the Impact of Unsteady Turbulence Effects on the Aeroelastic Evaluation Process of a Low-Pressure Turbine Rotor Blade, ISUAAAT Paper No ISUAAAT15-014
  • Buchwald, P., Farahmand, A., Vogt, D.M., 2018, On the Influence of Blade Aspect Ratio on Aerodynamic Damping, ISUAAAT Paper No ISUAAAT15-055
  • Müller, T.R., Vogt, D.M., Fischer, M., Phillipsen, B.A., 2018, On the Far-Field Boundary Condition Treatment in the Framework of Aeromechanics Computations using ANSYS CFX, ISUAAAT Paper No ISUAAAT15-063
  • Grübel, M., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., 2018, Second Law Analysis of Condensing Steam Flows, ASME J Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 141(2), 121003-121003-8
  • Kovachev, N., Waldherr, C.U., Mayer, J.F., Vogt, D.M., 2018, Prediction of Aerodynamically Induced Blade Vibrations in a Radial Turbine Rotor using a Nonlinear Harmonic Approach, ASME J Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 141(2), 021007-021007-10
  • Naik, P., Lehmayer, B., Homeier, S., Klaus, M., Vogt, D.M., 2018, Influence of Turbocharger Turbine Blade Geometry on Vibratory Blade Stresses, ASME J Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 141(2), 021015-021015-9
  • Sun, T., Petrie-Repar, P., Vogt, D.M., 2018, Detached-Eddy Simulation Applied to the Tip-Clearance Flow in a Last Stage Steam Turbine Blade, ASME Paper GT2018-75943
  • Naik, P., Lehmayer, B., Homeier, S., Klaus, M., Vogt, D.M., 2018, Influence of Turbocharger Turbine Blade Geometry on Vibratory Blade Stresses, ASME Paper GT2018-76226
  • Mihailowitsch, M., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., 2018, Numerical Investigations of an Axial Exhaust Di user Coupling the Last Stage of a Generic Gas Turbine, ASME Paper GT2018-75185
  • Müller, T.R., Vogel, K., Phillipsen, B.A., Vogt, D.M., 2018, Influence of Intrarow Interaction on the Aerodynamic Damping of an Axial Turbine Stage, ASME Paper GT2018-76777
  • Kovachev, N., Waldherr, C.U., Mayer, J.F., Vogt, D.M., 2018, Prediction of Aerodynamically Induced Blade Vibrations in a Radial Turbine Rotor using a Nonlinear Harmonic Approach, ASME Paper GT2018-76814
  • Grübel, M., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., 2018, Second Law Analysis of Condensing Steam Flows, ASME Paper GT2018-76388
  • Waldherr, C.U., Vogt, D.M., 2018, An Extension of the Classical Subset of Nominal Modes Method for the Model Order Reduction of Gyroscopic Systems, ASME Paper GT2018-76742


  • Müller, T.R., Vogt, D.M., Vogel, K., Phillipsen, B.A., Hönisch, P., 2017, Influence of Detailing on Aerodynamic Forcing of a Transonic Axial Turbine Stage and Forced-Response Prediction for Low-Engine-Order (LEO) Excitation, ASME Paper GT2017-64502 
  • Netzhammer, S., Krätschmer, S., Leweux, J., Köngeter, A., Vogt, D.M., 2017, Aerodynamic Excitation Analysis of Radial Turbine Blades due to Unsteady Flow From Vaneless Turbine Housings, ASME Paper GT2017-64468 
  • Fuhrer, C., Vogt, D.M., 2017, On the Impact of Simulation Approaches on the Predicted Aerodynamic Damping of a Low Pressure Steam Turbine Rotor, ASME Paper GT2017-63401
  • Müller, F.F., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Aschenbruck, J., 2017, Influence of a Cylindrical Exhaust Hood Installation on the Last Stage Rotor Blades of a Low Pressure Model Steam Turbine, ASME Paper GT2017-63280 
  • Brüggemann, C., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Poppig, F., 2017, A Numerical Investigation of the Impact of Part-Span Connectors on the Flow Field in a Linear Cascade, ASME Paper GT2017-63359
  • Grübel, M., Dovik, R.M., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., 2017, A Methodology for a Detailed Loss Prediction in Low Pressure Steam Turbines, ASME Paper GT2017-63404 
  • Munyoki, D., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., 2017, Detailed Numerical Study of the Main Sources of Loss and Flow Behavior in Low Pressure Steam Turbine Exhaust Hoods, ASME Paper GT2017-63269
  • Buchwald, P., Vogt, D.M., Grilliat, J., Laufer, W., Lucius, A., Schneider, M., Schmitz, M.B., 2017, Aeroacoustic Analysis of Low-Speed Axial Fans With Different Rotational Speeds in the Design Point, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 140(5), 052601-052601-12
  • Buchwald, P., Vogt, D.M., Grilliat, J., Laufer, W., Lucius, A., Schneider, M., Schmitz, M.B., 2017, Aeroacoustic Analysis of Low-Speed Axial Fans With Different Rotational Speeds in the Design Point, ASME Paper GT2017-64417
  • Gutierrez Salas, M., Bladh, R., Petrie-Repar, P., Vogt, D.M., Mårtensson, H., Fransson, T.H., 2017, Forced Response Analysis of a Mistuned Compressor Blisk Comparing Three Different Reduced Order Model Approaches, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 139(6), 062501-062501
  • Starzmann, J., Hughes, F., White, A.J., Grübel, M., Vogt, D.M., 2017, Numerical Investigation of Boundary Layers in Wet Steam Nozzles, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 139(1), 012606-012613
  • Müller, F.F., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Rehnsch, A., Experimental Investigation of a Low Pressure Model Steam Turbine With Supporting Rib in Close Vicinity to the Last Stage Rotor Blades at Varying Operating Conditions, ASME Paper GT2016-57258, 2016
  • Starzmann, J., Hughes, F., White, A.J., Grübel, M., Vogt, D.M., Numerical Investigation of Boundary Layers in Wet Steam Nozzles, ASME Paper GT2016-57598, 2016
  • Fuhrer, C., Grübel, M., Petrie-Repar, P., Vogt, D.M., The Influence of Non-equilibrium Wet Steam Effects on the Aeroelastic Properties of a Turbine Blade Row, ASME Paper GT2016-57899, 2016
  • Gutierrez Salas, M., Bladh, R., Petrie-Repar, P., Vogt, D.M., Mårtensson, H., Fransson, T.H., Forced Response Analysis of a Mistuned Compressor Blisk Comparing Three Different Reduced Order Model Approaches, ASME Paper GT2016-57902, 2016
  • Vogt, D.M., Numerical and Experimental Study on the Influence of Damping Elements on the Flow and the Vibration Behavior of Industrial Steam Turbine Blades, keynote lecture given at the 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC), April 10-15, 2016, Honolulu, USA
  • Häfele, M., Traxinger, C., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Drozdowski, R., Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Flow in a LP Industrial Steam Turbine with Part-Span Connectors, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 138(7), 072604-072604, 2016
  • Drozdowski, R., Völker, L., Häfele, M., Vogt, D.M., Numerical and experimental analysis of low-pressure steam turbine blades coupled with lacing wire, J Power and Energy 230(3), pp. 332-342, 2016
  • Häfele, M., Traxinger, C., Grübel, M., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Drozdowski, R., Numerical and Experimental Study on Aerodynamic Optimization of Part-Span Connectors in the last stage of a low-pressure industrial steam turbine, J. Power and Energy 229(5), pp. 465-476, 2015
  • Fuhrer, C., Vogt, D.M., Prediction of Flutter Stability of an Aeroelastically Unstable Linear Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade by Applying the Influence Coefficients Approach on Numerical Data, Paper presented at the 14th ISUAAAT Symposium, September 8-11, 2015, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Gezork, T., Gutierrez, M., Groth, P., Vogt, D.M., Fransson, T.H., Unsteady Blade Force Computation Sensitivity in a Transonic Turbine to Rotor Tip Gap, Hub and Shroud Cavity Modal Detail, Paper presented at the 14th ISUAAAT Symposium, September 8-11, 2015, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Petrie-Repar, P., Fuhrer, C., Grübel, M., Vogt, D.M., Two-Dimensional Steam Turbine Flutter Test Case, Paper presented at the 14th ISUAAAT Symposium, September 8-11, 2015, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Vogt, D.M., The Challenges of Steam Turbines in Industrial Applications, Panel lecture held at the 2015 ASME IGTI Turbo Expo Conference, June 15-19, 2015, Montreal, Canada
  • Thomas, R., Pradeep, A.M., Roy, B., Schatz, M., Kuschel, B., Schatz, M., Vogt, D., Influence of Tip Jet Mass Flow and Blowing Rate on the Performance of an Axial Diffuser at Different Inlet Total Pressure Profiles, ASME Paper GT2015-43427, 2015
  • Ilievski, M., Heidinger, F., Fuhrer, C., Vogt, D.M., Challand, S., Schatz, M., Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Partial Admission of a Radial Turbocharger Turbine for Improved Off-Design Performance, ASME Paper GT2015-43318, 2015
  • Häfele, M., Traxinger, C., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Drozdowski, R., Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Flow in a LP Industrial Steam Turbine with Part-Span Connectors, ASME Paper GT2015-42202, 2015
  • Drozdowski, R., Völker, L. Häfele, M., Vogt, D.M., Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Nonlinear Vibrational Behavior of Steam Turbine Last Stage Blades with Friction Bolt Damping Elements, ASME Paper GT2015-42244, 2015
  • Bareiss, S., Vogt, D.M., Chebli, E., Investigation on the Impact of Circumferential Grooves on the Aerodynamic Centrifugal Compressor Performance, ASME Paper GT2015-42211, 2015
  • Drozdowski, R., Völker, L., Häfele, M., Vogt, D.M., Numerical and Experimental Analysis of LP Turbine Blades coupled with Lacing Wire, Paper No ETC2015-105 presented at the 11th European Conference on Turbomachinery, March 23-27, 2015, Madrid, Spain
  • Häfele, M., Traxinger, C., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Drozdowski, R., Numerical and Experimental Study on the Aerodynamic Optimization of Part-Span Connectors in the Last Stage of an LP Industrial Steam Turbine, Paper No ETC2015-054 presented at the 11th European Conference on Turbomachinery, March 23-27, 2015, Madrid, Spain
  • Gutierrez, M., Gezork, T., Yang, S., Vogt, D.M., Fransson, T.H., Forced Response Analysis of a Transonic Turbine using a Free-Interface Component Mode Synthesis Method, Paper No ETC2015-227 presented at the 11th European Conference on Turbomachinery, March 23-27, 2015, Madrid, Spain
  • Brouwer (née Volker), S., Vogt, D.M., Simulation of a Flow in a Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffuser with Advanced Turbulence Models, Chapter in "High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '14", W.E. Nagel, D.B. Kröner, M.M. Resch (Eds.), Springer, 2015
  • Monaco, L., Fransson, T., Vogt, D.M., Bergmans, J., Remotely Operated Aeroelastically Unstable LPT Cascade for Turbomachinery Aeromechanics Education and Training - Remote Flutter Lab, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 137(3), 032507-032514, 2014
  • Grübel, M., Starzmann, J., Schatz, M., Eberle, T., Vogt, D.M., Two-Phase Flow Modeling and Measurements in Low-Pressure Turbines Part 1: Numerical Validation of Wet Steam Models and Turbine Modeling, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 137(4), pp. 042602-042612, 2014
  • Schatz, M., Eberle, T., Starzmann, J., Grübel, M., Vogt, D.M., Two-Phase Flow Modeling and Measurements in Low-Pressure Turbines Part 2: Turbine Wetness Measurement and Comparison to CFD Predictions, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 137(4), pp. 042603-042601, 2014
  • Vogt, D.M., Forced-Response Predictions from Academic Point of View, Panel lecture held at the 2014 ASME IGTI Turbo Expo Conference, Dusseldorf, Germany, June 16-20, 2014
  • Grübel, M., Starzmann, J., Schatz, M., Eberle, T., Vogt, D.M., Two-Phase Flow Modeling and Measurements in Low-Pressure Turbines Part 1: Numerical Validation of Wet Steam Models and Turbine Modeling, ASME Paper GT2014-25244, 2014
  • Schatz, M., Eberle, T., Starzmann, J., Grübel, M., Vogt, D.M., Two-Phase Flow Modeling and Measurements in Low-Pressure Turbines Part 2: Turbine Wetness Measurement and Comparison to CFD Predictions, ASME Paper GT2014-25245, 2014
  • Häfele, M., Starzmann, J., Grübel, M., Schatz, M., Vogt, D.M., Numerical Investigation of the Impact of Part-Span Connectors on Aero-Thermodynamics in a Low Pressure Industrial Steam Turbine, ASME Paper GT2014-25177, 2014
  • Gezork, T., Fransson, T.H., Mayorca, M.A., Groth, P., Vogt, D.M., Influence of Tip Shroud Cavity Detailing on Turbine Blade Forcing Calculations, ASME Paper GT2014-26724, 2014
  • Monaco, L., Fransson, T., Vogt, D.M., Bergmans, J., Remotely Operated Aeroelastically Unstable LPT Cascade for Turbomachinery Aeromechanics Education and Training - Remote Flutter Lab, ASME Paper GT2014-27170, 2014
  •  Ahmad, M., Schatz, M., Casey, M., Experimental investigation of droplet size influence on low pressure steam turbine blade erosion, in: WEAR Volume 303, Issues 1–2, pp. 83–86, 2013
  • Dietmann, F., Casey, M., The Effects of Reynolds Number and Roughness on Compressor Performance, in: Proc. 10th Europ. Conf. on Turbomachinery, Fluid Dynamics and Thermo-dynamics, Lappeenranta, Finland, April 15-19, 2013
  • Dietmann, F., Vogt, D.M., Ölfreier CO2-Kompressor, Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung, Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein e.V., Hannover, Deutschland, 20.-22. November, 2013
  • Eberle, T., Schatz, M., Starzmann, J., Grübel, M., Casey, M., Experimental study of the effects of temperature variation on droplet size and wetness fraction in a low pressure model steam turbine, 10th European Turbomachinery Conference, Lappeenranta, Finland, April 15-19, 2013
  • Eberle, T., Schatz, M., Starzmann, J., Grübel, M., Effects of temperature variation on droplet size and wetness fraction in a low pressure model steam turbine. Experiments and Simulation, 27th Turbomachinery Workshop, Szczyrk, Poland, September 4-6, 2013
  • Grönman, A., Dietmann, F., Casey M., Backman, J., Review and collection of preliminary design rules for low solidity diffusers, 10th European Turbomachinery Conference (ETC 2013), Lappeenranta, Finnland, 15.-19. April, 2013
  • Grübel, M., Modeling of Non-Equilibrium Homogeneous Condensation in Laval Nozzles and Steam Turbines, 27th Turbomachinery Workshop, Szczyrk, Poland, September 4-6, 2013
  • Müller, F., On Modal Damping of Mechanical Structures with Piezoelectric Materials, 27th Turbomachinery Workshop, Szczyrk, Poland, September 4-6, 2013
  • Starzmann, J., Berücksichtigung der Reibung zwischen Tropfen und Dampf zur Berechnung der Tropfenablagerung in Nassdampfströmungen von Dampfturbinen, ERCOFTAC Technologietag Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 2013
  • Starzmann, J., Kaluza, P., Casey, M., Sievering, F., On Kinematic Relaxation and Deposition of Water Droplets in the Last Stages of Low Pressure Steam Turbines, ASME-Turbo Expo, San Antonio, USA, June 3-7, 2013
  • Volkmer, S., Schatz, M., Casey, M., Montgomery, M., Prediction of Flow in an Exhaust Gas Turbine Diffuser with a Scale-Adaptive Simulation model, ASME-Turbo Expo, San Antonio, USA, June 3-7, 2013


  • Ahmad, M., Mlikota, M., BWL 32 DT: Tropfengrößeneinfluss auf Erosionsvorgänge, KW21-Abschlussbericht, 2012
  • Ahmad, M., Seybold, U., BWW 32 DT: Charakterisierung von Erosionsvorgängen, KW21-Abschlussbericht, 2012
  • Casey, M., Schatz, M., Starzmann, J., BWL 34: Tropfenpopulation in Niederdruck-Dampfturbinen, KW21 Phase II-Abschlussbericht, 2012
  • Casey, M., Starzmann, J., Schatz, M., BWW 34: Nassdampfströmung in Niederdruck-Dampfturbinen, KW21 Phase II-Abschlussbericht, 2012
  • Dietmann, F., Casey, M., The effects of Reynolds number and roughness on compressor performance, 26th Turbomachinery Workshop, Dresden, Germany, September 10-12, 2012
  • Häfele, M., Investigation of the flow in the closed wind tunnel at ITSM, 26th Turbomachinery Workshop, Dresden, Germany, September 10-12, 2012
  • Hirschmann, A., BWW 36 GT: Experimentelle Untersuchung von Gasturbinen-Axialdiffusoren, KW21-Abschlussbericht, 2012
  • Hirschmann, A., Volkmer, S., Casey, M., Montgomery, M., Hub extension in an axial gas turbine diffuser, ASME paper GT2012-68832, 2012
  • Ilievski, M., Design of variable nozzle turbines using CFD, 26th Turbomachinery Workshop, Dresden, Germany, September 10-12, 2012
  • Kuschel, B., Impact of non-uniform radial inlet profiles on the performance of an axial diffuser, 26th Turbomachinery Workshop, Dresden, Germany, September 10-12, 2012
  • Schatz, M., Eberle, T., Experimental study of steam wetness in a model steam turbine rig - presentation of results and comparison to CFD data, Baumann Centenary Wet Steam Conference, Cambridge, UK, September 10-11, 2012
  • Starzmann, J., Casey , M., Mayer, J.F., Water droplet flow paths and droplet deposition in low pressure steam turbines, in: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '12, Hrsg. HLRS Stuttgart, Springer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2012
  • Starzmann, J., Casey, M., Mayer, J.F., Sieverding, F., Wetness Loss Prediction for a Low Pressure Steam Turbine using CFD, Baumann Centenary Wet Steam Conference, Cambridge, UK, September 10-11, 2012
  • Starzmann, J., Grübel, M., Casey, M., Modelling of Condensing Steam Flows in Supersonic Nozzles and Steam Turbine Cascades with a Commercial Flow Solver, 13th Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions (ERCOFTAC), Halle, Germany, September 17-20, 2012
  • Starzmann, J., Multi-Momentum Calculation to predict Droplet Deposition in Condensing Steam Turbine Flows, 10th Multiphase Flow Conference, Ansys CFX, Dresden, Germany, 2012
  • Volkmer, S., BWL 36 GT: Optimierung von Axialdiffusoren in Gasturbinen für GuD-Anlagen, KW21-Abschlussbericht, 2012
  • Volkmer, S., Hirschmann, A., Casey, M., Mayer, J.F., Flitan, H., Turbulence Modelling of the Flow in an Exhaust Gas Turbine Diffuser with Two-Equation Turbulence Models, ETMM9 (ERCOFTAC), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 06-08, 2012
  • Volkmer, S., Impact of Hub Injection Flow Control on the Performance in a Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffuser, ANSYS Conference & 30. CADFEM Users' Meeting 2012, Kassel, Germany, 2012
  • Volkmer, S., Kuschel, B., Hirschmann, A., Schatz, M., Casey, M., Hub Injection Flow Control in a Turbine Exhaust Diffuser, ASME paper GT2012-69713, 2012


  • Ahmad, M., Seybold, U., BWW 32 DT: Charakterisierung von Erosionsvorgängen, KW21-Zwischenbericht, 2011
  • Casey, M., Finzel, C., BWL 33 DT: Innovatives Diffusordesign unter beengten geometrischen Bedingungen, KW21 Phase II-Zwischenbericht, 2011
  • Casey, M., Finzel, C., BWW 33 DT: Effizientere Diffusoren für Einsatz unter beengten geometrischen Bedingungen beim Retrofit von Niederdruckdampfturbinen, KW21 Phase II-Zwischenbericht, 2011
  • Casey, M., Robinson, J., A Method to Estimate the Performance Map of a Centrifugal Compressor Stage, ASME Turbo Expo, Vancouver, Canada, June 06-10, 2011
  • Casey, M., Robinson, J., A Unified Correction Mehtod for Reynolds Number, Size and Roughness Effects on the Performance of Compressors, 9th Europ. Conf. on Turbomachinery. Istanbul, Turkey, 2011
  • Casey, M.V., Robinson, C. J., A unified correction method for Reynolds number, size, and roughness effects on the performance of compressors, Proc. IMechE Vol. 225 Part A: J. Power and Energy, special issue paper, pp. 864-876, 2011
  • Challand, S., Introducing a New High Performance Turbocharger Test Rig, Proc. XXV Jubilee Turbomachinery Workshop, Gdansk/Krzeszna, Poland, Sept. 19-22, 2011
  • Chebli, E., Casey, M., Müller, M., Sumser, S., Herweck, G., Innovative Variable Turbine Concept for Turbochargers, ASME Turbo Expo, Vancouver, Canada, June 06-10, 2011
  • Finzel, C., Casey, M., Experimental and CFD investigations on the influence of a wall jet flow on the performance of a curved diffusor, 9th Europ. Conf. on Turbomachinery. Istanbul, Turkey, 2011
  • Finzel, C., Schatz, M., Casey, M., Gloss, D., Experimental Investigation of Geometrical Parameters on the Pressur Recovery of low Pressure Steam Turbine Exhaust Hoods, ASME Turbo Expo, Vancouver, Canada, June 06-10, 2011
  • Finzel, C., Schatz, M., Unsteady flow in a curved 2D diffuser and in an axial radial diffuser, Proc. XXV Jubilee Turbomachinery Workshop, Gdansk/Krzeszna, Poland, Sept. 19-22, 2011
  • Heinz, Ch., Schatz, M., Casey, M., Stueer, H., Impact of Mistuning on the Vibration Behaviour of the last stage in a Model three stage Low Pressure Steam Turbine, ASME Turbo Expo, Vancouver, Canada, June 06-10, 2011
  • Hirschmann, A., BW 36 GT: Experimentelle Untersuchung von Gasturbinen-Axialdiffusoren, KW21-Zwischenbericht, 2011
  • Hirschmann, A., Casey, M., Numerical calculations of internal flows with an integral boundary layer method, Proc. XXV Jubilee Turbomachinery Workshop, Gdansk/Krzeszna, Poland, Sept. 19-22, 2011
  • Robinson, C., Casey, M., Woods, I., An integrated approach to the aero-mechanical optimisation of turbo compressors, Current Trends in Design and Computation of Turbomachinery, CKD Nove Energo & TechSoft Engineering & Asociace strojnich inzenyru CR, 2011
  • Schatz, M., Eberle, T., Experimental Study of Droplet Size and Wetness in a Model Steam Turbine Rig using Light Extinction Measurements, Proc. XXV Jubilee Turbomachinery Workshop, Gdansk/Krzeszna, Poland, Sept. 19-22, 2011
  • Schatz, M., Rettenmeier, P., Casey, M., Theoretical Assessment of the Performance of Pelton Turbines Operated with Air and Steam, 9th Europ. Conf. on Turbomachinery. Istanbul, Turkey, 2011
  • Schatz, M., Starzmann, J., BWL 34 DT: Tropfenpopulation in Niederdruck-Dampfturbinen, KW21-Zwischenbericht, 2011
  • Sirakov, B., Casey, M., Evaluation of Heat Transfer Effects on Turbocharger Performance, ASME Turbo Expo, Vancouver, Canada, June 06-10, 2011
  • Starzmann, J., Casey, M., Mayer, J.F., Unsteady numerical study of wet steam flow in a low pressure steam turbine, in: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’11, Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, pp. 437-450, Springer, 2012
  • Starzmann, J., Mayer, J.F., Numerical investigation on the influence of rotor-stator interaction on the wet steam flow in a low pressure steam turbine, XXV Jubilee Turbomachinery Workshop, Gdansk/Krzeszna, Poland, Sept. 19-22, 2011
  • Starzmann, J., Schatz, M., BWW 34 DT: Nassdampfströmung in Niederdruck-Dampfturbinen, KW21-Zwischenbericht, 2011
  • Starzmann, J., Schatz, M., Casey, M., Mayer, J.F., Sievering, F., Modelling and Validation of Wet Steam Flow in a Low Pressure Steam Turbine, ASME Turbo Expo, Vancouver, Canada, June 06-10, 2011
  • Volkmer, S., BWL 36 GT: Optimierung von Axialdiffusoren in Gasturbinen für GuD-Anlagen, KW21-Zwischenbericht, 2011
  • Volkmer, S., Hirschmann, A., Casey, M., Montgomery, M., The Impact of a Tip Leakage Jet on Flow Separation in Axial Gas Turbine Diffusers, 9th Europ. Conf. on Turbomachinery. Istanbul, Turkey, 2011
  • Volkmer, S., Kuschel, B., Examination of a Coanda jet in an axial diffuser test rig, numerical & experimental investigations, Proc. XXV Jubilee Turbomachinery Workshop, Gdansk/Krzeszna, Poland, Sept. 19-22, 2011


  • Ahmad, M., Seybold, U. , Weber, U., BWL 32 DT: Tropfengrößeneinfluss auf Erosionsvorgänge - BWW 32 DT: Charakterisierung von Erosionsvorgängen, KW21-Arbeitskreistreffen, Erlangen, 17. Februar 2010
  • Casey M. V., Schlegel M., Estimation of the performance of turbocharger compressors at extremely low pressure ratios, accepted for publication in the IMECHE Proceedings, Part A, Journal of Engineering for Power.
  • Casey, M. V., Fesich, M., The efficiency of turbocharger components with diabatic flows, accepted for publication in the ASME Journal of Gas Turbines and Power
  • Casey, M., A unified correction method for the effects of Reynolds number, size and roughness on the performance of compressors, 24th Turbomachinery Workshop, Stuttgart/Freudenstadt, 13-15. September 2010
  • Casey, M., Zwyssig, C., Robinson, C., The Cordier line for mixed flow compressors, ASME Paper GT2010- 22549, 2010
  • Casey, M.V., Robinson, C.J, A new streamline curvature throughflow code for radial turbo-machinery, accepted for publication in the ASME Journal of Turbomachinery
  • Chelbi, E., Casey, M., Müller, M., Sumser, S., Hertweck, G., Schmid, W., Innovative variable turbine concept for heavy duty truck engines, 15th Supercharging Conference, Dresden, Germany, 23.-24. September 2010
  • Cox, G.D., Fischer, C., Casey, M., The application of throughflow optimisation to the design of radial and mixed flow turbines, C1302, 9th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging,19-20 May 2010, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, UK, 2010
  • Finzel, C., BWL 33 DT: Diffusoren für Retrofit-Einsatz - BWW 33 DT: Innovatives Diffusordesign, KW21-Arbeitskreistreffen, Erlangen, 17. Februar 2010
  • Finzel, C., Investigations of the flow in a curved diffuser with an additional wall jet flow, 24th Turbomachinery Workshop, Stuttgart/Freudenstadt, 13-15. September 2010
  • Heinz, Ch., Reduction of LPT blade amplitudes using an optimized blade arrangement, 24th Turbomachinery Workshop, Stuttgart/Freudenstadt, 13-15. September 2010
  • Heinz, Ch., Schatz, M., Casey, M., Stüer H., Experimental and analytical investigations of a low pressure model turbine during forced response excitation, ASME Paper GT2010-22146, 2010
  • Hirschmann, A., Volkmer, S., Schatz, M., Finzel, C., Casey, M., Montgomery, M., The influence of the total pressure profile on the performance of axial gas turbine diffusers, ASME Paper GT2010-22481, 2010
  • Sigg, R., Casey, M. V., Mayer J. F. and Sürken, N., Performance of low pressure steam turbine stages at low flow rates, accepted for publication in the ASME Journal of Turbomachinery
  • Sigg, R., Völker, L., Casey, M.V., Dunham, J., Stüer, H., Sürken, N., The influence of lean and sweep in a low pressure steam turbine, accepted for publication in the ASME Journal of Turbomachinery
  • Starzmann, J., Casey, M., Sieverding, F., Non-equilibrium condensation effects on the flow fiels and the performance of a low pressure steam turbine, ASME Paper GT2010-22467, 2010
  • Starzmann, J., Schatz, M., BW 34 DT: Tropfenpopulation in ND-Dampfturbinen und Nassdampfströmung in ND-Dampfturbinen, KW21-Arbeitskreistreffen, Erlangen, 17. Februar 2010
  • Starzmann, J., Schatz, M., Numerische Untersuchung der Nassdampfströmung in einer dreistufigen ND-Dampfturbine, ANSYS Conference & 28. CADFEM Users' Meeting, Aachen, 3.-5. November 2010
  • Uhlenhaut, D., Friedl, F., Casey M., Oil-free turbo-compressor stage for large-scale (100 kW) CO2 heat pumps, 10th IEA Heat Pump Conference 2011, 16-19 May 2011, Tokyo, Japan, 2011
  • Volkmer, S., The impact of energizing the boundary layer on the performance of axial gas turbine diffusers, 24th Turbomachinery Workshop, Stuttgart/Freudenstadt, 13-15. September 2011


  • Ahmad, M., Casey, M., Sürken N., Experimental assessment of droplet impact erosion resistance of steam turbine blade materials, Wear, Vol. 267, Issues 9-10, 9 September 2009, pp. 1605-1618
  • Ahmad, M., Sigg, R., Casey, M, Sürken, N., Steam turbine blade erosion assessment using specimens with a blade-like profile, Proc. 8th European Conference on Turbomachinery – Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Graz, Austria, 23-27 March 2009, pp. 1125-1136
  • Casey M. V., Schlegel, M., Performance estimation of turbocharger compressors at low pressure ratios, Proc. 8th European Conference on Turbomachinery – Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Graz, Austria, 23-27 March 2009
  • Casey, M., Fesich, T.M., On the efficiency of compressors with diabatic flows, ASME GT2009-59015, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 8-12, 2009
  • Casey, M., Radial compressor and turbine design for turbochargers, Kurzlehrgang Strömungsmaschinen, LSTM Erlangen, 2009
  • Cox, G., Roberts, A., Casey, M., The development of a deviation model for radial and mixed flow turbines for use in through-flow calculations. ASME GT2009-59921, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 8-12, 2009
  • Finzel, C., First experiences with the Background-Oriented-Schlieren (BOS) measurement method at ITSM, 23rd Turbomachinery Workshop 2009, Pilsen, Czech Republic, September 16-18, 2009
  • Hirschmann, A., Turbulence measurement on an axial diffuser test rig, 23rd Turbomachinery Workshop 2009, Pilsen, Czech Republic, September 16-18, 2009
  • Sigg, R., Heinz, Ch., Casey M.V., Sürken, N., Numerical and experimental investigation of a low pressure steam turbine during windage, Proc. 8th European Conference on Turbomachinery – Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Graz, Austria, 23-27 March 2009
  • Sigg, R., Heinz, Ch., Casey, M.V., Sürken, N., Numerical and experimental investigation of a low pressure steam turbine during windage, Proc. IMECHE, Vol. 223, Part A, Journal of Power and Energy, 2009, pp. 697-708
  • Starzmann, J., CFD-analysis of the thermodynamic wetness loss in LP steam turbines, 23rd Turbomachinery Workshop 2009, Pilsen, Czech Republic, September 16-18, 2009


  • Ahmad, M., Sigg, R., Casey, M., Long-term behaviour of low pressure steam turbine blade erosion, in: Abschlussbericht Phase I, Forschungsinitiative KW21 – Kraftwerke des 21. Jahrhunderts, 2008
  • Casey, M.V., Gersbach, F., Robinson, C. J, A New Optimisation Technique for Radial Compressor Impellers, ASME paper GT2008-50561, 2008
  • Casey, M.V., Radial Turbomachinery Design, published in the Cambridge Turbomachinery Course, 23-27 June 2008, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 2008
  • Casey, M.V., Robinson, C. J, A new Streamline Curvature Throughflow Code for Radial Turbomachinery, ASME paper GT2008-50187, 2008
  • Finzel, C., Verbesserung der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Dampfturbinen durch Optimierung des "Kalten Endes", in: Abschlussbericht Phase I, Forschungsinitiative KW21 – Kraftwerke des 21. Jahrhunderts, 2008
  • Gerkens, P., McBean, I., Konzeptstudie zu Auslegungsrichtlinien für VHP-Turbinen, Tagungsband Elftes Statusseminar der AG TURBO, Köln-Porz, 8.-9.Dezember 2008
  • Heinz, Ch., Verbesserung der aerodynamischen Auslegung von Niederdruck-Teilturbinen, in: Abschlussbericht Phase I, Forschungsinitiative KW21 – Kraftwerke des 21. Jahrhunderts, 2008
  • Sigg, R., Casey, M.V., Mayer, J. F., Sürken, N., The Influence of Lean and Sweep in a Low Pressure Steam Turbine: Analysis of Three Stages with a 3D CFD Model, ASME paper GT2008-50161, 2008
  • Sigg, R., Strömungsmechanische Berechnung von Endstufe und nachfolgendem Diffusor, in: Abschlussbericht Phase I, Forschungsinitiative KW21 – Kraftwerke des 21. Jahrhunderts, 2008
  • Völker, L., Casey, M.V., Stüer, H., Dunham, J., The Influence of Lean and Sweep in a Low Pressure Steam Turbine: Throughflow Modelling and Experimental Measurements, ASME paper GT2008-50188, 2008


  • Casey, M. V., Robinson, C. J., An Integrated Radial Turbomachinery Design Process, ANSYS Conf. & 25th CADFEM User’s Meeting, Dresden, November 21-23, 2007
  • Casey, M.V., Accounting for Losses and Definitions of Efficiency in Turbomachinery Stages, J. Power and Energy, Vol. 221, No. 6, 2007, pp. 735-743
  • Casey, M.V., Accounting for Losses and Definitions of Efficiency in Turbomachinery Stages, Proc. European Turbomachinery Conference ETC7, Athens, March 5-9, 2007
  • Gerber, A. G., Sigg, R., Völker, L., Sürken, N. Casey, M.V., Predictions of Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in a Model Low Pressure Steam Turbine, J. Power and Energy, Vol. 221, No. 6, 2007, pp. 825-835
  • Gerber, A. G., Sigg, R., Völker, L., Sürken, N. Casey, M.V., Predictions of Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in a Model Low Pressure Steam Turbine, Proc. European Turbomachinery ConferenceETC7, Athens, March 5-9, 2007
  • Robinson C. J., Casey. M.V., Towards a more Integrated Multidisciplinary Turbomachinery Design Process, Keynote Presentation at 1st International Aerospace CFD Conference, Paris, June 18-19, 2007
  • Schorn, N., Kindl, H., Späder, U., Casey, M.V., Der Turboladerverdichter als Randbedingung in der Ladungswechselrechnung, MTZ-Konferenz „Ladungswechsel im Verbrennungsmotor“, Stuttgart, 7.-8. November 2007
  • Zhang, Zh., Casey, M. V., Experimental Studies of the Jet of a Pelton Turbine, J. Power and Energy, Vol. 221, No. 8, 2007, pp. 1181-1192



  • Ahmad, M., DT3: Long term behaviour of low pressure steam turbine blade erosion, in: Zwischenbericht 2006, Forschungsinitiative KW21 – Kraftwerke des 21. Jahrhunderts, S. 232-244, Stuttgart, August 2006
  • Ahmad, M., Eyb, G., Sürken, N., Casey, M., Experimental investigation of the droplet impact erosion in low pressure steam turbine blades, Proc. 20th Jubilee Turbomachinery Workshop 2006, Gdansk/Krzeszna, IFFM Publishers, Gdansk 2006
  • Anker, J. E., Schrader, B., Seybold, U., Mayer, J. F., Casey, M.V.: A Three Dimensional Non-reflecting Boundary Condition Treatment for Steady-state Flow Simulations, AIAA Paper 2006-1275, 2006
  • Casey M.V., Robinson C. J., A guide to turbocharger compressor characteristics, in: M. Bargende (Ed.), “Dieselmotorentechnik”, 10. Symposium, TAE Esslingen, ISBN 3-924813-65-5, 2006
  • Casey, M.V., Entropy-based definition of losses and efficiencies in turbomachinery, 20th Jubilee Turbomachinery Workshop 2006, Gdansk/Krzeszna, IFFM Publishers, Gdansk 2006
  • Finzel, C., DT2: Verbesserung der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Dampfturbinen durch Optimierung des "Kalten Endes", in: Zwischenbericht 2006, Forschungsinitiative KW21 – Kraftwerke des 21. Jahrhunderts, S. 222-231, Stuttgart, August 2006
  • Schatz, M., Casey, M., Design and testing of a new miniature combined optical/pneumatic wedge probe for the measurement of steam wetness, Proc. 5th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows (ISMTMF2006), Macau, China, December 10-13, 2006
  • Sigg, R., DT4: Strömungsmechanische Berechnung von Endstufe und nachfolgendem Diffusor in einer Dampfturbine, in: Zwischenbericht 2006, Forschungsinitiative KW21 – Kraftwerke des 21. Jahrhunderts, S. 245-258, Stuttgart, August 2006
  • Sigg, R., Gerber, A. G., Völker, L., Sürken, N., Casey, M.V., Progress in CFD Predictions for a Model Low Pressure Steam Turbine, 20th Jubilee Turbomachinery Workshop 2006, Gdansk/Krzeszna, IFFM Publishers, Gdansk 2006
  • Völker, L., DT1: Verbesserung der aerodynamischen Auslegung von Niederdruck-Teilturbinen, in: Zwischenbericht 2006, Forschungsinitiative KW21 – Kraftwerke des 21. Jahrhunderts, S. 209-221, Stuttgart, August 2006


  • Anker, J. E., Mayer, J. F., Casey, M., Deckbandströmungseinfluss III − Interaktion von Haupt- und Deckbandströmung und ihre Auswirkung auf Verluste in einer axialen Turbomaschine, Abschlussbericht FVV-Vorhaben Nr. 801, Teil 2: Numerische Arbeiten, Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e.V., Heft 797-2, Frankfurt am Main, 2005
  • Anker, J. E., Mayer, J. F., Casey, M., The Impact of Rotor Labyrinth Seal Leakage Flow on the Loss Generation in an Axial Turbine Stage, Journal of Power and Energy, Special Issue on Turbomachinery, Vol. 219 A6, pp. 481-490, September 2005
  • Anker, J. E., Mayer, J. F., Casey, M., The Impact of Rotor Labyrinth Seal Leakage Flow on the Loss Generation in an Axial Turbine Stage, Proc. 6th European Conference on Turbomachinery − Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Lille, France, March 7-11 2005
  • Becker, S., Gretschel, E.-Ch., Casey, M., Influence of a Tip Clearance Jet on a Swirling Flow in an Axial-radial Diffuser, Proc. 6th European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Lille, France, March 7-11 2005
  • Gerschütz , W., Casey , M., Truckenmüller, F., Experimental Investigations of Rotating Instabilities in the Last Stage of a Low Pressure Model Steam Turbine During Windage, Journal of Power and Energy, Special Issue on Turbomachinery, Vol. 219 A6, pp 499-510, September 2005
  • Gerschütz , W., Casey , M., Truckenmüller, F., Experimental Investigations of Rotating Instabilities in the Last Stage of a Low Pressure Model Steam Turbine During Windage, Proc. 6th European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Lille, March 7-11 2005
  • Hübner, G., Hupfeld, J., Zur Messung der Schallleistung in einem Hallraum unterhalb der unteren Grenzfrequenz, Tagungsband DAGA 2005, München, S. 145-146, 15.03.2005 Hübner, G., Sound Power Prediction of Machines Based on Modern Algorithms − DFEM and Wave Theory, Novem 05, St. Raphael, 2005
  • Hübner, G., Kandelaki, D., A Contribution to the Number of Measurement Positions Necessary to Determine the Sound Power within a Certain Span of Uncertainty, InterNoise-2005, Rio de Janeiro, 2005
  • Hübner, G., Kurtz, P., European Noise Control Policy at Work Places Based on Directives, InterNoise-2005, Rio de Janeiro, 2005
  • Hübner, G., Some Future Aspects in Sound Power Measurements; InterNoise-2005, Rio de Janeiro, 2005
  • Völker, L., Casey, M., Neef, M., Stüer, H., The Flow Field and Performance of a Model Low Pressure Steam Turbine, Proc. 6th European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Lille, France, March 7-11 2005



  • Anker, J. E., Mayer, J. F., A Preconditioned Solution Scheme for the Simulation of Turbomachinery Flow at Arbitray Mach Numbers, AIAA-Paper 2004-0762, 2004
  • Casey, M. V., Pfost, H., Wolter, K., Anker, J. E., Interaktion von Haupt- und Deckbandströmung und ihre Auswirkung auf Verluste in einer axialen Turbomaschine, in: FVV-Heft R 527, Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e .V., Frankfurt a. M., 2004
  • Casey, M., Best practice advice for CFD in turbomachinery design, QNET-CFD Network Newsletter, Vol. 2. No. 3, December 2003 (appeared in 2004)
  • Casey, M., Thematic Area 6: Best Practice Advice for Turbomachinery Internal Flows, QNET- CFD Network Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 4, July 2004
  • Hübner, G., Kandelaki, D., Kraus, M., Bestimmung der Schallleistung von Maschinen − systematische Fehler, Schriftenreihe Forschung der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, Fb. 1015, Dortmund, Verlag für neue Wissenschaft, Bremerhaven, 2004
  • Hübner, G., Kandelaki, D., Kraus, M., The Nearfield Error in Determining the Sound Power − a Survey of Present State of Knowledge Together with some Latest Findings, Proc. InterNoise, Prague, 2004
  • Hübner, G., Kandelaki, D., Untersuchungen zur Korrelation von Schalldrücken und Schallintensitäten verschiedener Positionen auf einer Hüllfläche im Feld von Schallquellen, Proc. CFA/DAGA' 04, V. II, Straßburg, 2004
  • Hübner, G., Krauss, M. , Beschreibung der aktiven Lärmminderung mit Hilfe der Direkten Finiten Elemente Methode (DFEM), Proc. CFA/DAGA' 04, V. I, Straßburg, 2004
  • Hübner, G., Some New Developments in Sound Power Determination, Proc. InterNoise, Prague, 2004
  • Hübner, G., Wittstock, V., Revision of the Measurement Procedure Determining the Sound Power by Using Sound Intensity Technique, Proc. InterNoise, Prague, 2004
  • Seybold, U., Anker, J. E., Kämmerer, S., Mayer, J. F., Casey, M., A Comparison of Different Boundary Conditions for Turbomachinery Flow Simulation, in: Neittaanmäki, P., Rossi, T., Korotov, S., Oñate, E., Périaux, J., Knörzer, D. (Eds.), ECCOMAS 2004 Proceedings, Jyväskylä, Finland, July 2004
  • Sieverding, F., Ribi, B., Casey, M., and Mayer, M., Design of Industrial Axial Compressor Blade Sections for Optimal Range and Performance, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 126, April 2004, pp. 323-331
  • Wang, J. H., Messner, J., Casey, M. V., Performance Investigation of Film and Transpiration Cooling, ASME Paper 2004-GT-54132


  • Anker, J. E., Mayer, J. F., Deckbandströmungseinfluss II, Abschlussbericht des FVV-Vorhabens Nr. 756, Teil 2: Numerische Arbeiten, Heft 758-2, Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen (FVV) e. V., Frankfurt a. M., 2003
  • Hübner, G., A Contribution for Reduction of the Measurement Effort in Determining the Sound Power of Machines, Proc. EuroNoise, Naples, 2003
  • Hübner, G., Beurteilung von Geräuschemissionen, in: Taschenbuch der Technischen Akustik,3. Auflage, Springer, 2003
  • Hübner, G., Kandelaki, D., Der Nahfeldfehler ebener Platten unterhalb der Koinzidenzfrequenz, Tagungsband DAGA 03, 2003
  • Kämmerer, S., Mayer, J. F., Paffrath, M., Wever, U., Jung, A. R., Three-Dimensional Optimization of Turbomachinery Bladings Using Sensitivity Analysis, ASME Paper GT-2003-38037, 2003
  • Lohmberg, A., Casey, M., Ammann, S., Transonic Radial Compressor Inlet Design, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs. Vol. 217, J. Power and Energy, 2003
  • Sieverding, F., Ribi, B., Casey, M., Meyer, M., Design of Industrial Axial Compressor Blade Sections for Optimal Range and Performance, ASME Paper GT2003-38036, to be published in ASME Journal of Turbomachinery
  • Wang, J. H., Messner, J., Stetter, H., An Experimental Investigation On Transpiration Cooling - Part I: An Application of Infrared Measurement Technique, Int. J. Rotating Machinery, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2003, pp. 153-161


  • Anker J. E., Mayer J. F., Simulation of the Interaction of Labyrinth Seal Leakage Flow and Main Flow in Axial Turbine, ASME Paper GT-2002-30348, 2002
  • Anker J. E., Mayer J. F., Stetter H., A Preconditioned Solution Scheme for the Computation of Compressible Flow in Turbomachinery at Arbitrary Mach Numbers, Task Quarterly, 6(1):143-176, 2002
  • Anker, J. E., Giboni, A., Mayer, J. F., Pfost, H., Stetter, H., Deckbandströmungseinfluss II, in: FVV-Heft R 518, Informationstagung Turbinen, Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e. V., Frankfurt a. M., 2002
  • Hu, Z., Eyb, G., Regnery, D., Experience with the Non-contacting Blade Vibration Measurement Method Using Two Sensors in a Low Pressure Model Steam Turbine, Proc. Int. Joint Power Generation Conf. 2002 (IJPGC'02), Phoenix, AZ, USA, June 24-26, 2002, Paper no. IJPGC2002-26070
  • Hübner, G., Remarks on the "Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement" (GUM) Published by ISO and Other International Organisations - Floating Error Analysis for an Acoustic Example, Proc. InterNoise, Dearborn, USA, 2002
  • Hübner, G., The One-sided Driving Interaction Between Two Monopoles - Effective as the Core of the 3-dimensional DFEM Sound Power and Scattering Description, Proc. EuroNoise, Sevilla, 2002
  • Kämmerer, S., Mayer, J. F., Stetter, H., Paffrath, M., Wever, U., Jung, A. R., Development of a Three-Dimensional Geometry Optimization Method for Turbomachinery Applications, Proc. 9th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC-9), Honolulu, HI, USA, February 10-14, 2002
  • Su, H. L., Cai, X. S., Messner, J., Study on the Influence of Isentropic Coefficient and Reynolds Number on the Four-hole Pneumatic Wedge Probe Measurement, Proc. 7th Nat. Conf. on Measurement Technology, pp. 757-761, Dalian, China, October 25-28, 2002
  • Wang, J. H., Messner, J., Stetter, H., An Experimental Investigation On Transpiration Cooling - Part I: An Application of Infrared Measurement Technique, Proc. 9th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC-9), Honolulu, HI, USA, February 10-14, 2002
  • Wang, J. H., Messner, J., Stetter, H., An Experimental Investigation On Transpiration Cooling - Part II: Comparison of Cooling Methods and Media, Proc. 9th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC-9), Honolulu, HI, USA, February 10-14, 2002


  • Anker J. E.; Mayer J. F.; Stetter H., A Preconditioned Solution Scheme for the Computation of Compressible Flow in Turbomachinery at Arbitrary Mach Numbers, in: Proc. Seminar/Summer School on CFD for Turbomachinery Applications, Polish Society of Computer Simulation, 1-3 September, Gda sk, Poland, 2001
  • Anker, J. E., Mayer, J. F., Stetter, H., Computational Study of the Flow in an Axial Turbine with Emphasis on the Interaction of Labyrinth Seal Leakage Flow and Main Flow, in: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2001, to be published in 2002
  • Anker, J. E., Mayer, J. F., Stetter, H., Computational Study of the Interaction of Labyrinth Seal Leakage Flow and Main Flow in an Axial Turbine, in: Bois G., Decuypere R., Martelli F. (Eds.), Proc. 4th European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, pp. 641-652, Padova 2001
  • Anker, J. E., Mayer, J. F., Stetter, H., Giboni, A., Pfost, H., Untersuchung des Einflusses der Deckbandströmung auf Hauptströmung und Verluste in einer Axialturbine, Zwischenbericht FVV-Vorhaben Nr. 756 ,,Deckbandströmungseinfluss II``, in: FVV-Heft R 514, Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e. V., Frankfurt a. M., 2001
  • Bauer, H., Mayer, J. F., Stetter, H., Computational Study on the Simulation of Transonic Flow with Moving Shocks, in: Ferrand, P., Aubert, S. (Eds.), Proc. 9th Int. Symp. on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines, Lyon, France, September 4-8, 2000, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble 2001
  • Bauer, H., Mayer, J. F., Stetter, H., Unsteady Flow Simulations for Turbomachinery Applications on Dynamic Grids, in: Krause, E., Jäger, W. (Eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2000, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York 2001, pp. 349-355
  • Hübner G., Wittstock, V., Investigations into the correlation between field indicators and sound absorption, Proc. ICA, CDROM, Rome, 2001
  • Hübner, G., Kienzle, B., Wittstock, V., Gerlach, A., DFEM-Schallleistungsbestimmung an frei schwingenden Streifenstrahlern, Tagungsband DAGA 01, CDROM, Hamburg
  • Hübner, G., Kurtz, P., Einheitliche Beschreibung der Körperschallleistung in Balken verschiedene Gestalt, Tagungsband DAGA 01, CDROM, Hamburg
  • Hübner, G., Naidu, P. N., Wittstock, V., Schallleistung von in Luft rotierenden radial angeordneten Zylindern, Tagungsband DAGA 01, CDROM, Hamburg
  • Hübner, G., Wittstock, V., Investigations on the sound power of aerodynamic sound sources in function of static pressure, Proc. InterNoise, CDROM, Den Haag, 2001
  • Kraus, P., Messner, J., Stetter, H., Design Optimisation of Annular Diffuser in Consideration of Efficiency and Unsteady Flow, in: Bois G., Decuypere R., Martelli F. (Eds.), Proc. 4th European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, pp. 773-781, Padova 2001
  • Reiß, D., Stetter, H., MULTIFUN - The System of Diagnosis with a Preliminary Balancing Calculation for the Online-Diagnosis of Thermal Power Plants, in: Bois G., Decuypere R., Martelli F. (Eds.), Proc. 4th European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, pp. 513-512, Padova 2001
  • Seibold, A., Stetter, H., Investigating Condensation Processes in Low Pressure Turbines With an Improved Optical Probe, JPGC2001/PWR-19120, Proc. 2001 Int. Joint Power Generation Conference (JPGC'01), 2001
  • Stetter, H., Pfost, H., Peters, P., Lerner, C., Mayer, J. F., Giboni, A., Breisig, V., Anker, J. E., Untersuchung des Einflusses der Deckbandströmung auf die Hauptströmung und die Verluste in axialen Turbomaschinen, Abschlussbericht FVV-Vorhaben Nr. 706 ,,Deckbandströmungseinfluss I``, Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e. V., Frankfurt a. M., 2001
  • Stetter, H., Wang, J. H., Basic Performance Characteristics of a Transpiration Cooling Method for Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane using Evaporation Liquids, in: Bois G., Decuypere R., Martelli F. (Eds.), Proc. 4th European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, pp. 377-387, Padova 2001


  • Anker, J. E., Mayer, J. F., Stetter, H., Giboni, A., Pfost, H., Untersuchung des Einflusses der Deckbandströmung auf die Hauptströmung und die Verluste in axialen Turbomaschinen, in: FVV-Heft R 509, Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e. V., Frankfurt a. M. 2000
  • Bauer, H., Mayer, J. F., Stetter, H., Computational Study on the Simulation of Transonic Flow with Moving Shocks, Proc. 9th Int. Symp. on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines, Lyon, France, September 4-8, 2000, to be published in 2001
  • Bauer, H., Mayer, J. F., Stetter, H., Unsteady Flow Simulations for Turbomachinery Applications on Dynamic Grids, in: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2000, to be published by Springer in 2001
  • Bauer, H., Urban, B, Stetter, H., Vortmeyer, N., Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen selbsterregter Stoßschwingungen in Turbomaschinengittern mit oszillierenden Schaufeln, Tagungsband 7. Statusseminar der Arbeitsgemeinschaft ,,Hochtemperatur-Gasturbine``, 7.-8. Dezember 2000, DLR Köln Porz, 2000
  • Gerlach, A., Hübner, G., Untersuchungen zum Emissionsschalldruckpegel bestimmt durch eine Dreikomponentenintensitätsmessung, 26. Jahrestagung für Akustik DAGA '00, Fortschritte der Akustik (DAGA '00), Oldenburg, 2000, S. 426-427
  • Hübner, G., Accuracy Considerations on the Meteorological Correction for a Normalized Sound Power Level, Proc. Inter-Noise 2000 on CDROM, Nice, 2000
  • Hübner, G., Gerlach, A., Bestimmung des Emissionsschalldruckpegels am Arbeitsplatz mit Hilfe der Schallintensitätsmessung, Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin BAuA, Dortmund, Wirtschaftsverlag NW, 2000
  • Hübner, G., Structure Borne Noise in Arbitrarily Shaped Bars, Proc. NOVEM 2000 on CDROM, Lyon, 2000
  • Hübner, G., Untersuchungen zum Einfluss meteorologischer Bedingungen auf die Schallleistung technischer Schallquellen, 26. Jahrestagung für Akustik DAGA '00, Fortschritte der Akustik (DAGA '00), Oldenburg, 2000, S. 436-437
  • Reiß, D., Fuchs, F., Stetter, H., Ein Diagnosesystem mit vorgeschalteter Datenvalidierung für die Online-Diagnose thermischer Kraftwerke, Tagungsband VGB-Konferenz ,,Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik 2000``, Düsseldorf, 2000
  • Seibold, A., Stetter, H., Entwicklung einer verbesserten Sonde zur Dampfnässemessung, Tagungsband VGB-Konferenz ,,Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik 2000``, Düsseldorf, 2000
  • Stetter, H., Wang, J. H., Messner, J., An Experimental Investigation of Transpiration Cooling: Part I - Feasibility Test and Performance Estimation, in: Rotating Machinery - 2000, Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC 8), Vol. II, pp. 777-785, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2000
  • Urban, B., Stetter, H., Vortmeyer, N., Experimental Investigation of Shock-Induced Blade Oscillation at an Elastically Suspended Turbine Cascade in Transonic Flow, ASME-Paper 2000-GT-0378, 2000
  • Wang, J. H., Stetter, H., An Experimental Investigation of Transpiration Cooling: Part II - Performance Comparison with Film Cooling, in: Rotating Machinery - 2000, Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC 8), Vol. II, pp. 786-792, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2000
  • Wittstock, V., Hübner, G., Zur Bestimmung der Schallleistung quer angeströmter Kreiszylinder, 26. Jahrestagung für Akustik DAGA '00, Fortschritte der Akustik (DAGA '00), Oldenburg, 2000, S. 412-413



Bareiß, S. (2021). Circumferential groove casing treatments in centrifugal compressor aerodynamics

Fuhrer, C. (2021). Numerical Investigation on Spontaneous Condensation in Low-Pressure Steam Turbine Aeroelasticity

Grübel M. (2021). Numerical Investigation of Losses in Condensing Low Pressure Steam Turbine Flows 

 Waldherr C. (2021). Ein Beitrag zur strukturdynamischen Analyse verstimmter Laufräder unter Rotation

Ilievski, M. (2018). Einflüsse der Skelettlinienform des Stators auf den Wirkungsgrad und das Regelungsverhalten einer variablen Düsengeometrie

Brouwer, S. (2018). Research on the Accuracy of Flow Simulation in Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffusers

Eberle T. (2017). Entwicklung und Erprobung eines optischen Messsystems zur Untersuchung von instationären Nässephänomenen in Düsen und Dampfturbinen 

Dietmann, F. (2015). Zum Einfluss der Reynolds-Zahl und der Oberflächenrauigkeit bei thermischen Turbokompressoren

Starzmann, J. (2014). Numerische Untersuchung der Zweiphasenströmung und Analyse von Nässeverlusten in Niederdruckdampfturbinen

Heinz, C. (2013). Einfluss von Mistuning auf das Schwingungsverhalten freistehender Niederdruckbeschaufelungen in Dampfturbinen

Anker, J. E. (2013). The simulation of turbomachinery flows at arbitrary Mach numbers and the analysis of leakage flows in shrouded axial turbines

Hirschmann, A. (2013). Das Lag-Entrainment-Integralverfahren zur Auslegung von axialen Abgasdiffusoren

Schatz, M. (2012). Bestimmung der Zusammensetzung der Zweiphasen-Strömung in Niederdruck-Dampfturbinen auf der Grundlage der Lichtextinktionsmethode

Sigg, R. (2010). Numerische Untersuchung von Lastvariationen und Nässephänomenen an einer Niederdruck-Dampfturbine

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